Thursday, April 7, 2011

LDS Hymn Book 1.2 (Trial Version) Now Available!

So I decided to add a trial version for those like me who want to know more about the product app before buying.

There is an access limit, only Hymns 1 through 30 can be accessed by this app.  

I am sure you will find this app very useful as I have, and if you do like the app help yourself to download the full version available at the android market too.

I would love to hear anything you would like to say! (any feedback or any comments is much appreciated), though this release feels very solid, I am constantly scanning for any bugs or imperfections! Please DO let me know!


1 comment:

  1. 30 himnos son muy pocos podria usted agregar mas himnos de ninos? Muchas gracias por todo
